Hi, My name is Harry from Los Angeles and I am 65 years old; I have played golf for 45+ years.
Member at the Beautiful Peivate Mission Hills Country Club in Rancho Mirage, CA. |
For the last many years (over 10+), right leg sciatica back pain caused by herniated discs, scoliosis (aggressive lateral shift over 45 degrees) and spinal stenosis had greatly reduced my ability to play the game I love. On a pain scale, I lived at 8’s and 9’s (10 being the most pain)! I tried every stretching program and Physical Therapy option to no avail. Nothing seemed to help.
I was very depressed, although I never lost hope of recovering.
I was a good player, reached a 1 handicap in my prime. Went to many Doctors and tried many different techniques, but nothing worked for 10 years. (I had decided that I was never going to undergo surgery, nor any of these other extreme modalities.)
Until I went to get core strengthening and golf-specific training with Lee Brandon and the AB-Inforcer® Core Biofeedback Training System. After 18 months of specifically designed gym exercises and drills, and consistently doing the correct exercises on my own, I can now report I am finally better, stronger, and able to play 18 holes with almost no pain(.5 on the pain scale).
At the beginning of our sessions with Lee, I was in pain and we would grade the intensity of the pain (*1 minimal pain-10 maximal pain) and design the correct strengthening exercises accordingly.
I was walking crooked, and bent forward as my upper body had laterally shifted to avoid the low back pain. I am still slightly shifted, but feel 2″ inches taller and my scoliosis has diminished substantially.
Before a round of golf, I could only hit about 10 practice shots on the range, otherwise the pain would build up and prevent me from swinging with any confidence on the course, so afraid to hurt myself further.
After 12 weeks (2X’s a week 12 coaching sessions) I was noticeably managing my pain by her education. One and 18 months of taking out my old exercises and reinventing all of my training, stretching, and swing with Lee, I am finally in a new place!
I am pain free and stronger than ever!!!! My drives were 160-180, now I hit drives in excess of 220-230 yards.
The other day, I hit balls on the range for almost one hour, without pain!!! Now I can finally work on correcting all the bad habits that have crept into my swing during the last many years, dealing with my debilitating pain.
For those of you out there with a similar situation, the message is: “you can improve your condition with even basic, non invasive techniques, if well customized for your specific situation. You don’t have to live in pain! Lee has the secrets.”
It’s always exciting to get these powerful testimonials from those we are blessed to assist with their path to freedom from pain! My cautionary note to all of you: seek a credentialed specialist, then get a second opinion, a third…until you feel it resonate down deep inside of you as part of your solution! If your still hurting, something is wrong!!!
Be careful self diagnosing. Those of us who have been teaching performance enhancement for years, are still in business for a reason–we focus on delivering personalized solutions.
The internet is full of too much information…or should I say mis information. There are even protocols and exercise strategies to get you out of pain on-line that claim to do miraculous things. Buyer beware…and if it’s sounds too good…the old saying is true.
If Harry’s story is your story, I have to share that his tireless efforts and drive to execute my “Spine Sparing Secrets” were driven by his goal to be pain free!
He had the courage to take a “time out” from all the injurious things he had been doing prior to including my training system into his life until we addressed the “causes of his discomfort and stopped managing the effect!”
Come out and support the LPGA. I will be at Mission Hills Country Club in Rancho Mirage, CA. If your interested in a complementary meet and greet, I have arranged a few blocks of hours to meet you all and answer your questions. Email me for the details at LongDriveChamp@msn.com

Rich in tradition, Mission Hills Country Club epitomizes the true vision of a private club. Unparalleled golf, tennis, croquet, fitness, and spa create first-class facilities for a truly world-class country club experience. The shining jewel and true sense of the Club, however, can be found in the exceptional Members and Member service, our warm staff who welcomes you to your home away from home, and the magic moments you experience when you step into the world of Mission Hills Country Club. As one of the most prestigious clubs in the Coachella Valley and a true year round club, Mission Hills Country Club continues to enhance the service and amenities we offer our Members and the over 200 new members each year.
- Voted numerous times the No. 1 Private Country Club in the Coachella Valley
- Voted numerous times No. 1 Private Golf Course in the Coachella Valley
- 2009 USTA Tennis Facility of the Year in the United States
- 2012 USCA Croquet Facility of the Year in the United States